Cinema, literature and television series often take their fictional universe to break all the limits of known reality. Beyond creating their fantasy worlds, their characters, their customs and their costumes, in many cases they even dare to inaugurate their own language.
There are multiple books, audio-visual productions and even works of art in which the author, director or artist build their fictional universe in the field of language as well. Thus, to make this imaginary society even more credible and governed by its own rules, they give rise to artistic or alternative languages. Undoubtedly, these languages also constitute an extra attraction for the followers of these fictional worlds that arouse so much fanaticism in the five continents.
What are artistic or alternative languages?
Artistic or alternative languages are artificial languages that have been invented as a merely creative act by the author of a production. These languages are characterized by being created for a single reason: to enjoy the aesthetic pleasure of the result and its effect on fiction. That is, unlike other artificial languages such as philosophical language and logical language, these lack a purpose motivated by the experimentation of socio-linguistic theories.
Although there are different schools in the creation of artistic languages, the most important is the naturalistic school that tries to imitate the complexity and historicity of natural languages. Other alternative languages were not inspired by the natural evolution of languages, but are of a more abstract style that has nothing to do with existing languages in reality.
Which of these languages are famous around the world?
In recent years, fictional literature, film and television series pay increasing attention to artificial languages created exclusively to deepen the meaning of these productions.
Among all the artistic or alternative languages that currently exist, we present the five best known internationally: